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[국제학부] SIS 외국인교원 채용 안내(School of International Studies Recruitment Notice) N

  • 작성자 유학생지원팀
  • 등록일 : 2019.10.21 16:28
  • 조회수 : 13792

Recruitment Notice


The School of International Studies (SIS) at Yeungnam University is seeking a qualified, responsible native English speaking Assistant Professor with qualifications in Business. The SIS is located at the Gyeongsan campus.


1. Job Title: International Professor of Education.


2. Qualification Requirements

- A Master''s degree or higher, with more than four years of university teaching and/or research are the minimum requirements.


3. Period of Contract

- March 1, 2020 to February 28, 2021.


4. Teaching Load

- 9 credit hours per week across a 15 week semester in both the spring and fall semesters.

- There is no current requirements to complete additional work in the vacation periods.


5. Salary & Benefits

- As per the relevant Yeungnam University regulations.


Application Requirements and Deadline

  - Required Documents that need to be submitted via email prior to the deadline of Oct. 28,2019.


- Attached resume formand a copy of your current Resume (in English)

- Diploma (Bachelor,Master''s, Doctorate)      

  *Final diploma (master or doctoral) must be attached with the Apostille seal or Certificate of Embassy verification.

Transcripts(Bachelor, Master''s, Doctorate)      

- Proof of work experience certificates for ALLuniversity teaching experience in Korea.      

- Copy of Passport/ Alien registration card (front/back)      

- Research performance and list (submitted as applicable)      

  *Master’s Ph.D. thesis: Send copies of cover and table of contents               


Additional Notes

- Whilst we are seeking someone with Business background, all Professor’s in the SIS are required to deliver a broad range of courses and the successful applicant will notonly be delivering courses in their area of expertise.

- Late applications will not be accepted

- Those who have not currently been awarded a master’s degree will not be considered. 

- Due to the number of expected applications, only those who are selected for an interview will be contacted and we thank all others for taking the time to apply.

- It is a requirement that those selected for an interview will be required to attend anin person interview (including a demonstration lesson on a nominated topic)

- Those who pass the document screening will be contacted individually and interview will be scheduled on Oct. 30 only for those who pass the document screening process.


- Deadline:  Oct. 28,2019, 16pm (KST)

- E-mail: jwbaek@ynu.ac.kr(All applications are to be submitted via E-mail.)    

- Remarks: If any of the required documents are not submitted or found to be fraudulent then your recruitment will be revoked.